"Borovichok" - Description

Andriej is a boy from a Belarusian village, who was born with numerous physical and psychic defects. His parents for many years were unable to decide whether to bring him up himself, so their son spent this time in an orphanage. The relationships between Andriej and his family, especially with his mother and one of his brothers, did not go that well immediately. They had to dedicate a lot of time and patience to learn how to communicate with Andriej and persuade him to communicate with them. However with time he was surrounded by a warm and caring family. Fishing became his great passion. He also like going to school, mainly because of contact with contemporaries, which however is limited because of the individual mode of tuition. Sick people, such as Andriej, normally do not survive for forty years. However due to the decision of his parents, Andriej has the chance to live out his short life surrounded by love and to do what he enjoys, instead of spending it in a special centre for the mentally ill.