About Our Project in Another Book


There is a new interesting position on the Polish publishing market by the Nadbałtyckiego Centrum Kultury (Baltic Sea Cultural Center) about the Polish-Russian relations. In the book "Polacy Rosjanie: Wzajemne Relacje" ( Poles - Russians: Mutual Relations) among materials from a debate about the above mentioned relations, there is a review about the I edition of the “Russia -Poland. New Gaze” project. The author takes a critical look at (only) a part of the films realized as part of the project. Though he does appreciate the effort taken by the filmmakers since the films allowed him to realize the enormity of problems that have grown in the relations between Poles and Russians.
More about the “Russia-Poland. New Gaze” project at na www.newgaze.info

"Polacy-Rosjanie: wzajemne relacje, materiały z debaty 18 października 2006", Nadbałtyckie Centrum Kultury, Gdańsk 2007