"Farewell Comrades!" - Description

How the biggest utopia of the 20th century collapsed...?

December 1991: The Soviet head of state, Mikhail Gorbachev, holds long-distance calls with political leaders from the Western world. Shortly after, Gorbachev speaks on television, stating: "Hereby I quit my position as a President of the USSR."

 It is quite a banal finale for the grandiose communist vision of the “new era” that kept the world busy since the October revolution in 1917. Only in 1975 the utopia seemed more contrete than ever: the communist world reached the peak of its geographical expansion, controlling or influcencing almost half of the planet’s population.
But why did the Soviet Empire collapse after a 16-year countdown? What forces were there behind the creeping erosion and the sudden collapse? Why could no one foresee the unthinkable?
For the first time, this story is told chronologically, across the borders of the involved countries and from within these countries: by the people who were there, who lived through it, who made it happen.