"24 days" - Description

An extraordinary story about events that took place several tens of meters underground. The main characters of the film Adam Alagierski and his friend Rafał Wszoła found themselves in a hopeless situation. Trapped in the shaft of a closed mine, with no food supply and water, no light and warm clothing, they survived 24 days of nightmare.

Fear and hope, doubts and hysteria confused the minds of the boys dying of hunger. The next levels of suffering brought them closer to inevitable death. Despite total exhaustion of their organisms death did not take them away…

A tear-jerking report of Adam Alagierski who together with his friend Rafał Wszoła survived in the darkness, without food and water for 24 days trapped several tens of meters underground, in the shaft of a closed former German mine. These events changed Adam for the rest of his life. Adam and Rafał crossed the border of their own death. Despite the years passing by they where unable to return to reality.