"Russia-Poland. New Gaze" in Wrocław


"The Sacred"
"The Sacred"

On the 30th of March 2008, in the "Warsaw" cinema theatre in Wrocław at 8:00 PM, at a Review Of Young Cinema "Zbliżenie" (Close-up) short Polish-Russian films were shown. Films realized under the "Russia-Poland. New Gaze" project "The Sacred" (dir. Aliona Połunina), "The Suburban Train" (dir. Maciej Cuske), "Moscow Wife"(dir. Barbara Białowąs), "My Kieslowski" (dir. Irina Wołkowa), "The Seeds" (dir. Wojciech Kasperski). The screenings were organized by the "Zblizenie" group.
More about the event at: www.zblizenie.3c.pl